M12 Solutions is thrilled to have been a finalist in the prestigious UK Customer Experience Awards 2015. Today we have received the award feedback from the judges which we think is worth sharing. The awards judging process consisted of 50% written entry and 50% face-to-face presentation to the judging panel.

We case studied our rural superfast internet brand Wessex Internet in our entry as we believe it to be an incredible story of customer experience.

The Judges comments were as follows:

“Combined with changing an experience through product, price and effective availability, and providing industry-challenging customer experience, this submission also uses the ecosystem of different types of customers to support business growth in an innovative way. More information on the customers themselves and their impressions would be welcome to bring to life the remarkable NPS score – perhaps in the face-to-face presentation?

A very good summary and a very interesting venture where a company has grabbed a niche part of the market and expanded with great success over a short time within their strategy and delivered some fantastic results. Real grass roots success story. The Business Rationale & Context is a joint venture between a local entrepreneurial landowner and yourselves, and took off because both parties had the drive, skills and motivation to overcome the many significant challenges. This is a great example of communities, SMEs and local support driving a project that the big players could not deliver.

This is still a small venture but I feel they should be applauded for delivering something at high standards that big companies would or could not. Excellent! I see the Outstanding Customer Experience Delivered is in its early days yet but you have taken an idea and transformed it into a deliverable that exceeded all customer expectations. What is special is that the community and individuals are all part of the delivery, and designed a product and service that is the Benchmark in the Industry in their field.

Fantastic to see this happening! Business Impact & Results Achieved has shown outstanding results even with budgets being controlled to the tightest margins and the focus on customer end service being the best. The impact is highly rewarding and the results excellent. However, it is still at the grass roots stage and will now start to grow where support channels will become more important.

Clear Customer Insight shows that geographic growth, either through village initiatives or from estates, farms, businesses or the high net worth who fund expansion with the by-product of community access have been successful. The insight is well focused but you need to watch you do not suffer tunnel vision and that you capitalise on this clear opportunity to drive growth before someone else does. Innovative and Creative Solution has proved to have taken all the big players by surprise. This is unique and well planned. Please deliver more!

Effective Implementation for me has just started and you are doing well. But this is one area you will need to watch going forward as you take on more work and the company changes with growth. Also ensure you adapt to change both technically and geographically.”

We achieved the highest mark for our written entry and we have taken on board the judges comments for the presentation, and we plan to provide an even more captivating entry next year where we will prove that we can adapt as we grow to provide outstanding customer service. We were a runner up to Rackspace who secured the award.
